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By BH in General

Without any notice, apparently Stream Licensing has gone out of business, which means we must find another licensing company in order to stay in business.

Donations have been beyond slow with way too many people taking advantage of the station without paying their way this year, so it may not be sustainable for us to continue.

Whichever licensing company we go with will take some money to start up with a new licensing company, as there are only a couple choices now. One will require the $500 deposit plus streaming fees and the other may require a whole new way of broadcasting to include new software (SAM) along with the first payment. I will be doing some research to figure out where we go from here. A majority of our decision to continue will be how many listeners will be commited to support the station in the future.

If you want BellyUp4Blues to continue, I would highly recommend people start donating now and be comitted to do their part once we decide to continue or we will be forever gone.  If you do not plan on supporting the station, you should find another station as we will not and do not have the capacity or resources to handle listeners running up our bills without doing their part!  –BH

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